
Singing Bowls

Brain Wave Entrainment

The Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowls, crafted by Tibetan monks, are among the most ancient and powerful methods of sound healing. Their origins remain mysterious, but research has revealed their profound impact on the body, mind, health, and soul. For thousands of years, Tibetan monks have used a unique blend of metals in these bowls, producing sacred vibrations that align with the body's natural frequencies, fostering deep healing.

Following the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1951, many monks migrated to other regions, including India, bringing their knowledge of the singing bowls with them and practicing their healing art in places like Himachal Pradesh and Dharamshala. Through detailed research, it was discovered that each bowl, crafted from specific metals, resonates with unique frequencies corresponding to different organs, enhancing the healing process. This has led to the development of unique compositions for each Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowl, resulting in remarkable healing effects.

How Do Singing Bowls Work?

Brain Wave Entrainment

Healing through Sacred Tibetan Singing Bowls operates on the principle that everything in the universe vibrates at a unique frequency, including each organ within the human body. When an organ’s frequency deviates, it can disrupt the body’s natural rhythm, leading to dis-ease. Sound energy from the Tibetan Singing Bowls interacts with the water in our bodies, which constitute about 70% of our composition, re-harmonizing the cells and restoring their natural frequencies. These sound waves penetrate deeply, harmonizing body and mind by dissolving subconscious tension and restoring inner peace, fostering a renewed sense of balance and connection with nature.

How We Heal?

Brain Wave Entrainment

Extensive research has been conducted on the healing effects of sound frequencies, leading to the development of Sacred Sound & Energy Healing Sessions across India. Participants in these workshops have reported significant improvements in their health and well-being.

The sessions are designed with a scientific, practical, and innovative approach, offering numerous benefits for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Each Sacred Sound & Energy Healing Session consists of two components: Theoretical and Practical Sessions.

In the theoretical portion, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of sound and energy healing. This segment provides insight into how the healing process impacts the mental, emotional, and physical body. It covers traditional, spiritual, and religious concepts, transitioning into the authentic knowledge rooted in modern science, medical research, and the biological aspects of sound and energy healing.

Sound & Energy Healing at Dhaksha

Brain Wave Entrainment

The practical session offers an incredible journey through life, where both the internal and external body are cleansed and retuned with sacred sound. This initiates the transformative process of sound and energy healing, beginning with a sensation of lightness as sound waves create a weightless feeling throughout the body, allowing for greater awareness of individual body parts.

In the next step, guided imagery meditation leads to a harmonious journey of self-discovery, inducing a deep meditative state and complete relaxation. The body calms, and cellular positioning is restored, resulting in a blissful state where the perception of time fades away.

The Sacred Sound & Energy Healing Session is beneficial for everyone but is specifically designed for students, working professionals, managers, homemakers, corporate groups, bureaucrats, government officials, law enforcement, defense personnel, seniors, and music teachers. This holistic approach harnesses the science of sound and energy healing, showing great potential to heal individuals of all ages and genders with significant positive outcomes.

This method not only promotes joy, peace, and prosperity but also enhances health and success. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the profound positive effects and applications of sound healing after attending the session.